Mount Kinabalu climb vacations

South East Asia's tallest peak stands at 4,101m, dominating the landscape. No particular expertise is needed for Mount Kinabalu climb vacations, though good fitness levels are recommended. Passing through tropical, montane and cloud forest habitats, up to the sub-Alpine vegetation at the peak, hikers depart a mountain hut at 3am to complete the last 8.5km of the journey in time to watch the sun rise from the summit.


Borneo Mount Kinabalu Climb Holiday

Borneo Mount Kinabalu Climb Holiday

Adventure holiday to see wildlife and climb Mt Kinabalu
From US $2,960 13 days ex flights
Tailor made: This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirements
Borneo wildlife holiday with Mt. Kinabalu climb

Borneo wildlife holiday with Mt. Kinabalu climb

Adventurous Borneo Wildlife & Mt. Kinabalu Climb trek
From £1,880 13 days ex flights
Tailor made: This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirements
Borneo and Malaysia holiday, trekking orangutans and rainforest

Borneo and Malaysia holiday, trekking orangutans and rainforest

An active exploration of Borneo
From US $4,498US $4,275 to US $4,650 14 days ex flights
Small group travel: 2024: 16 Mar, 6 Jul, 3 Aug, 7 Sep, 12 Oct
2025: 15 Mar, 12 Apr, 5 Jul, 2 Aug, 6 Sep, 11 Oct, 22 Nov
Up to US $220 off selected dates.
Late availability on these dates: 16 Mar
A taste of Sabah, Borneo vacations

A taste of Sabah, Borneo vacations

Climb through dense jungles to explore Sabah's wild heart.
From £2,995 11 days ex flights
Tailor made: Everything is tweak-able, giving you the freedom to build a unique and personal trip for your chosen date. Upgrade your accommodation for all - or just part - of your trip, slow down the pace with few extra nights here and there or add a few more active adventures along the way
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