One week tour of Cuba

A week long, private tour of Cuba, with national history, national parks and lots of national spirit.
Havana Buena Vista Social Club Santa Clara El Nicho Waterfalls Trinidad Valle de Los Ingenios Horse riding Natural pools Cienfuegos
US $1200ToUS $1900 excluding flights
7 Days
Tailor made
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We are licensed to take US citizens on our trips.
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Description of One week tour of Cuba


Price information

US $1200ToUS $1900 excluding flights
We are licensed to take US citizens on our trips.
Make enquiry

Departure information

This trip can be tailor made throughout the year to suit your requirements

Travel guides

US Citizens in Cuba
The advice for US citizens for visiting Cuba has changed slightly since the Biden administration took office. The situation around US travel to Cuba c...
Stepping into Havana for the first time is a world of classic cars, crackling transistor radios and clacking dominoes. As you meander into the country...


2 Reviews of One week tour of Cuba

5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed on 28 Apr 2023 by

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

We loved meeting the local people in Cuba during the tours. These were the tour guides and owners of the homes where we stayed. The highlight was the Farm to Table experience we had.

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

To be willing to adapt to changes in plans due to unforeseen circumstances. Neal and I are pretty easy going and went with an open adaptible mind with some changes to our itinerary. Everything we did was really enjoyable.

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

Yes, we felt our tips in US dollars was beneficial to the local people. We also gave a few people US dollars when they approached us with requests. Not all, but some. The Farm to Table experience was beneficial for reducing environmental impacts through organic farming.

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?

We thought this vacation was really excellent. We loved learning about Cuba and found the challenges the local people have every day in life just to survive were sad and enlightening. We are amazed at the resilience the Cuban people have to just keep going no matter what challenges they face. The tour operator did an excellent job helping Neal snd I have the best possible experience during our trip.

Reviewed on 30 Dec 2022 by

1. What was the most memorable or exciting part of your vacation?

Most memorable part of the trip was the food. The meat was amazing!

2. What tips would you give other travelers booking this vacation?

Trust the team to plan an awesome trip.

3. Did you feel that your vacation benefited local people, reduced environmental impacts or supported conservation?

I feel that my vacation contributed to support for the Cuban people.

4. Finally, how would you rate your vacation overall?

The operator planned and executed a fantastic trip. On the pre-travel side, Karin was incredibly fast, responsive, knowledgeable and easy to work with.
This was especially helpful given the misconceptions/confusion many Americans (myself included) have about the legality and ease of visiting Cuba. And in country, Eiser was the best tour guide I’ve had while traveling. Overall, I had a fantastic time and feel like I did my small part to contribute to support for the Cuban people. Thanks to the operator for making it happen. Would absolutely
recommend using them for Cuba travel.

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) vacation so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


As responsible citizens of planet earth, we are painfully aware of the impact humans are having on the climate.

Espiritu Travel now offers carbon-neutral travel for all trips to Cuba. We see it as yet another important step in our journey towards creating a more sustainable travel company. Greenhouse gas emissions are calculated for all our customized trips to Cuba, taking into account the use of fuels in local travel, emissions from food, and energy used in accommodations. We work with Carbon Credit Capital to ensure accurate results and come up with simple metrics like emissions per person, per trip while in-country.

As part of our commitment, we support a carbon offset project that reduces emissions by the same amount as what you emit during your trip! We have chosen to support a project in the Amazon rainforest that fights deforestation in one of the most highly deforested areas of Brazil. The project protects over 149,000 hectares of the virgin rainforest from deforestation, housing 44,000+ species of plants and animals, including over 30 vulnerable species. The project also provides improved quality of life for over 6,200 local community members—including paths to land title ownership, and improved diversity of the local economy with capacity building for cultivating new and highly valuable forest crops and products.

In a place like Cuba, where sustainable tourism is practically unheard of, it is not so easy to make a difference. However, we provide travelers with information before they depart on how they can reduce their negative impacts and make positive contributions to the communities they will visit in Cuba. This includes reducing waste, avoiding plastic bags and straws as well as being aware of water consumption. Furthermore, we encourage travelers to use filtered water bottles by offering a discount to purchase one before their trip. In the future, we hope to be able to offer travelers a free gift of these types of bottles.

Animal welfare
The issue of animals in captivity is a sensitive one for our company. We do not promote visits to any place where there are captive wild animals. The situation for domestic animals in Cuba is often appalling. Horse taxis and scenic rides. We do not recommend these activities as nostalgic as they may seem, many of these horses are in poor condition. In addition, the majority of them work extremely long hours, oftentimes in extreme heat and humidity with poor tack that leaves open wounds on their bodies. Horses around the country have borne the brunt of the transportation crisis in the country especially outside of Havana. While there are animal welfare laws, they are not enforced and it is obvious the suffering they endure horses. We promote the use of bicycles taxis to get around the cities and towns. In places where horseback riding excursions are part of the itinerary, we have carefully selected the stable in which we work ensuring the highest standards are met for the welfare of the horses.
Our guides are not permitted to take clients to places where animals are used as entertainment or are kept in poor conditions.

Waste management
In Cuba, solid waste pollution is a problem all over the island and in particular in the cities and towns. Waste disposal systems are just not adequate on the island and with a rapid increase in tourism this year alone, the problem could get worse. We provide suggestions on how travelers can reduce their impact.
We suggest bringing canvas carrier bags so that you can use them for when you purchase water or souvenirs rather than the one-use plastic bags. We provide discounts for purchasing filtered bottled water before the trip, reducing the need to purchase bottled water. In the near future, we hope to be able to provide these filtered water bottles to all travelers.

We provide information to travelers on ways to reduce water consumption during their trip.

We encourage travelers to use bicycle taxis or walking for exploring the cities. Bicycle taxis are a great way to enjoy all the towns and cities throughout the island.


We work directly with Cubans and Cuban businesses, Our customized trips create jobs and help local families. We collaborate with local businesses, artisans and endorse real connections between countries and people
As an example, one of our eight-day trips to Cuba supports a number of entrepreneurs/small businesses and their families as well as the subsequent indirect linkages with other sectors. Over the last five years, we have maintained working relationships with a plethora of small businesses, from casas particulares, family-owned restaurants to local guides and shop owners.
We endeavor to provide plenty of information so that travelers can also support small businesses that sell unique souvenirs or one of a kind home decor or even locally designed fashion. This support allows businesses to flourish, grow and expand.

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