Sudan cultural vacation

Eight day small group tour of Sudan. Travel overland on a round-trip from Khartoum leading through arid desert landscapes en-route to archeological sites, traditional towns and more pyramids than the whole of Egypt.
Khartoum Nile river boat cruise Mussawarat Naqa ruins Mussawarat 'Great Enclosure' Shendi souk Meroe pyramids Atrun Crater Atbara railways Bayuda Desert Nuri pyramids UNESCO temples of Jebel Berkal Old Dongola Farewell meal at Omdurman accompanied by whirling dervishes
US $4588ToUS $4813 excluding flights
8 Days
Small group
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Price includes all activities/equipment, tour leaders, local guides and drivers, meals, transport, accommodation and entrance fees as outlined in the itinerary.
Optional Single Supplement: from $481.
Please note some itineraries are reversed.
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Description of Sudan cultural vacation


Beneath the Sands of Sudan Map

Price information

US $4588ToUS $4813 excluding flights
Price includes all activities/equipment, tour leaders, local guides and drivers, meals, transport, accommodation and entrance fees as outlined in the itinerary.
Optional Single Supplement: from $481.
Please note some itineraries are reversed.
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As of May 2023, travel is not recommended to Sudan. Armed conflict has broken out due to a rift in the country’s military leadership. With ceasefires ...

Vacation information

The currency converter above works on today’s interbank exchange rate. We do take bookings in a variety of currencies, but the rates are often set months in advance and may therefore differ from those shown above which are for guidance purposes only. Please inquire for details.

Responsible Travel

As the pioneers of responsible tourism, we've screened this (and every) vacation so that you can travel knowing it will help support the places and people that you visit, and the planet. Read how below.


We are very aware of the economic, ecological and ethical impact tourism can have on ancient cultures and fragile environments. We realise that taking clients through such a region can have a negative impact on the the environment if not handled responsibly. On all our Sudan trips we therefore go to great lengths to minimise the negative and accentuate the positive… after all, there are also many good things that the traveler can bring.

We have a strict environmental policy to make sure that the fragile eco-structure of the desert is not damaged or spoilt in any way. Our guides are trained to uphold this policy and all clients are fully briefed on appropriate/responsible behaviour whilst in wilderness areas. Our “Leave No Trace” ethic is applied to all trips in all regions, and as tour operators is something we are careful to promote.

By keeping the group size to a maximum of 12, we can also minimise the human impact on the fragile sites we visit – particularly important as this trip visits some remote sites that aren’t policed by tourist regulators.


Sudan is still little known by tourism and it has incredible potentials due to its history, its nature and above all its kind population. All those characteristics make this country a very attractive destination especially before it is spoiled by mass tourism.

By staying and visiting traditional houses we support local development. This helps to forge good relationship between local people and the concept of tourism, and allows also the travelers to get a better insight on traditional and typical lifestyle of the very warm local people.

All of the services are provided by Sudanese suppliers together with the assistance of a small experienced Italian team that is helping the local small and still immature travel business to improve, employing mainly local staff and providing them with professional training. More than 40 Sudanese families are benefiting from this collaboration.

Bringing tourism to the many archaeological sites that Sudan has to offer (two of them are listed in the Unesco project: Jebel Barkal near Karima and Meroe region) but that still have very few visitors in a year, will help drawing attention to those hidden treasures in order to assist the many archaeological missions working on those projects to obtain funds and use them to preserve those precious areas and possibly discover more of their intriguing history. The travelers will enjoy the incredible experience of wondering alone among those ancient ruins and this will help evoking their fascinating past and enjoying the mysterious atmosphere.

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